Our Savior Lutheran Church and School is blessed with dedicated lay-leadership that serves our congregation and staff to help carry out our mission. Members of the Board of Directors, Christian Education Team, and Spiritual Life Team are elected by the congregation in November and begin their terms in January. All other ministry areas are carried out by teams of members gathered as needed to carry out the work of the congregation, under policy-based governance.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
Board of Directors
Under Policy Based Governance, the Board of Directors sets policies and defines outcomes or goals and the indictors or measurements of those outcomes. The Board also defines parameters and limitations for the Senior Pastor, who is in charge of operations along with the support staff.
The Senior Pastor then has the responsibility to execute those outcomes, staying within the limitations. The Senior Pastor meets with the Board on a regular basis to review the outcomes. The Board does not say how to achieve the goals, only that the goals exist. The Senior Pastor is free to administer staff and to form committees and teams at his discretion or delegate and otherwise work toward meeting the outcomes and indicators defined by the board.
Christian Education Team

The Christian Education Team supports, guides, and counsels the leadership of Our Savior Lutheran School in furthering Christian education and the church school mission.

Spiritual Life Team


The Spiritual Life Team (SLT) is a group of men elected by the congregation to assist the Pastor in the spiritual life and faith development of the congregation. They meet on a monthly basis to pray and study God’s Word together, to deal with issues concerning the spiritual life of the congregation. The Spiritual Life Team (Elders) oversee the worship life of the congregation, as well as care for the families of our church.
Click here to view the Our Savior Lutheran Church Constitution and Bylaws