2025 Auction – Saturday, March 1 at 4:30pm 
Get Ready for the Our Savior Derby! Get your, hat, seersucker suit and join us for a fun evening of fellowship, food and of course, bidding on your favorite items! You can reserve your spot today by filling out an RSVP card in the front office or go to:!  Early Bird pricing through January 24th, $35/person or $240/table of 8 ($30 per person). Donations of new items, services, etc. are needed!  For more information, contact Becky Grocki.
Winter Blast 
On Saturday, January 25th, from 5pm-8pm all 6th-8th grade kids from OSL and all of the mid-Michigan area LCMS churches are invited for an exciting and energetic time of unity in the faith.  We will have group ice-breaker activities and games, pizza, snacks and drinks, singing, and a special devotion time, which will be led by our own Vicar Joseph Bender. The event cost is $5 per student.  Please RSVP for your son or daughter to Dave Wright by January 22nd: or 517-882-8665 ex 105.
New Enrollment Open House February 6, 2025
Invite your friends and neighbors to check out Our Savior for their children for the upcoming school year. We will be hosting a Preschool-Grade 8 Open House on Thursday, February 6, 2025 from 5-7pm for new families interested in enrolling at Our Savior for the 2025-26 school year.

OSL Man Camp 
Hey Our Savior Lutheran Men, February 21-23 is OSL Man Camp at Higgins Lake.  Pastor and former Michigan District president David Maier will be our speaker for the weekend. We will also have plenty of time for outdoor and indoor fun, group team building activities, rest, and renewal. Sunday morning we will worship together in a beautiful lodge setting. There will be opportunities for cross country skiing, snowshoeing, riding an atv, ice fishing, and other winter outdoor activities This weekend is open to all OSL men and high school young men as well as friends and relatives. For more information, or to register, see the Man Camp display in the church lobby and take a brochure or contact Dave Wright. Space is limited! Registration ends February 5th, so sign up soon!  

Winter & Spring Bible Study Opportunities 
Check out the new Bible studies that will be going on after the first of the year.  Click here to view more information on Wednesday Bible study, Men’s and Women’s studies, Faith & Fellowship Nights, and more!  
Tapestry Bible Class
Tapestry women’s Bible study meets on Friday mornings at 10AM in the Bickel Fellowship Room.   “The joy of the Lord” will be our focus as we study Philippians. Questions, contact Mary Lou Krause, 517-627-8569.
2025 Bible Reading and Journaling Plan 
OSL’s Bible reading plan for our congregation for the 2025 year is to read the entire New Testament during the year AND journal about your reading.  Bible journaling is a great way to retain what you read, reinforce scriptural truths and meditate on these, and put down key areas of personal application. Click here to download the plan.  It contains the schedule for the year’s reading as well as a journaling page for each day of reading.  It is set up so that you will read a chapter of the New Testament during 5 out of 7 days each week. This leaves a couple of days each week to catch up if you miss a day or two.

Join the Paper Recycling Challenge and help OSL Win Big! 
PaperGator is excited to announce our first-ever Paper Recycling Contest in celebration of Earth Day! Starting this January, OSL will have the chance to earn exciting rewards by increasing our paper recycling volume. The locations that show the greatest improvement will be rewarded with fantastic prizes. Plus, we will earn double the usual payouts during the contest period. The PaperGator is located in the north west corner of the main parking lot and accepts: School/Office Paper, News Paper, Junk Mail, Hard & Soft Cover Books, Magazines, Shredded Paper, Paperboard (Cereal Type Boxes), *Cardboard (12″ x 12″ or smaller), Wrapping Paper (no foil or sparkles).

Women’s Retreat 
Shepherd of the Lakes, Brighton is hosting a Women’s Retreat on Saturday, January 25, 2025 and we’d like to invite the women of your congregation to join us! This one day retreat features: Keynote Speaker Heidi Goehmann, Breakout sessions, Grab and go breakfast & lunch, Worship & Fellowship. Tickets are just $30 until January 5, they will then increase to $35. Space is limited so we encourage early registration. We are excited to host this experience! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Registration information can be found at

Discover Our Savior Class 
For those who would like to join our congregation, or are simply interested in learning more about the Lutheran Church, the next Discover Our Savior Class will begin on Sunday, February 2, 12-2pm and run for 4 weeks. Sign up at the welcome desk in the lobby, or contact Sue Sundstrom for more information at

Theological Conference: We are not Alone 
In today’s world, it can feel like you’re standing alone in your faith. But there’s hope! Just like God assured Elijah that there were 7,000 in Israel who had not bowed down to Baal, He reminds you that you are never truly alone—there are many more Christians around you than you think. Join the Michigan District on February 1 at Our Savior Lansing for the We Are Not Alone conference and discover the strength that comes from partnering with others in ministry. Click here for more information and to register.