CityServe 2024
Come and join us, as we volunteer and serve those who are in need throughout the greater Lansing area!
Come and join us, as we volunteer and serve those who are in need throughout the greater Lansing area!
What is Lansing CityServe?
Lansing CityServe is an opportunity to serve our community. We gather projects from different agencies, or from members, or from the community, and help with projects throughout the greater Lansing area. We do mostly outside projects, focusing on yard work, weeding, cleaning gutters, and projects such as that.

Lansing CityServe is an opportunity to serve our community. We gather projects from different agencies, or from members, or from the community, and help with projects throughout the greater Lansing area. We do mostly outside projects, focusing on yard work, weeding, cleaning gutters, and projects such as that.

How can I help?
Are you over the age of 12? Are you able to do some yard work, projects, and have a heart for service? Then you can help in many ways! We would love to have you join us and be a part of a volunteer team, going to different project sites and helping those who have requested help. If you would like to help in a more behind the scenes capacity, there are jobs that are needed the day or two before to prepare for CityServe. If you aren’t able to attend or serve, you can always make a monetary donation to cover costs. Those can be made through the church, marked, “CityServe.”
Are you over the age of 12? Are you able to do some yard work, projects, and have a heart for service? Then you can help in many ways! We would love to have you join us and be a part of a volunteer team, going to different project sites and helping those who have requested help. If you would like to help in a more behind the scenes capacity, there are jobs that are needed the day or two before to prepare for CityServe. If you aren’t able to attend or serve, you can always make a monetary donation to cover costs. Those can be made through the church, marked, “CityServe.”

CityServe this year is on May 18th, 2024. We meet at Trinity Lutheran Church, in downtown Lansing at 501 W Saginaw St. We gather together on June 10th, meet for a devotion and light breakfast @ 8:00, and then we head out into Lansing to serve!

Why is CityServe a thing?
We have a God who has blessed us all in many and various ways. Jesus said, “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28) Just as Jesus gave up His life for all of us, we graciously give back to our community through service. We are encouraged by Paul in Colossians 3:17, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” We serve to give glory to God. We serve to show the love of Jesus in all that we do. Join us, and help us show the love of Christ to our Lansing community!

Get Involved

Could you or someone you know benefit from
some help? Click Here!
some help? Click Here!
Need more information?
email us at lansingcityserve@gmail.com